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Table 3

Number of sources matched with those in other bands.

IRC bands Optical N2 N3 N4 S7 S9W S11 L15 L18W L24

N2 72 871 (83%) 87 858 (0) 81 012 (22) 71 919 (21) 13 357 (1) 16 017 (3) 12 643 (2) 8170 (1) 8554 (2) 2070 (1)
N3 77 223 (74%) 81 049 (59) 104 170 (0) 84 856 (49) 13 752 (7) 16 563 (5) 13 180 (3) 9321 (2) 10 167 (3) 2266 (0)
N4 67 667 (70%) 71 938 (40) 84 850 (43) 96 159 (0) 14 169 (7) 16 996 (7) 13 434 (2) 9784 (5) 10 841 (6) 2454 (0)
S7 13 928 (90%) 13 356 13 745 14 162 15 390 12 091 8489 4790 4750 2059
S9W 16 662 (89%) 16 014 16 558 16 989 12 091 18 772 12 923 6757 7040 2389
S11 13 404 (85%) 12 641 13 177 13 432 8489 12 923 15 680 7084 7229 2476
L15 8628 (66%) 8169 9319 9779 4790 6757 7084 13 148 9377 2571
L18W 9217 (60%) 8552 10 164 10 835 4750 7040 7229 9377 15 154 2673
L24 2280 (57%) 2069 2266 2454 2059 2389 2476 2571 2673 4019

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