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Table 1

List of symbols used in the paper and their meaning.

Symbol Meaning Flag Symbol Meaning Flag

θ position on the sky C Pα(α) p.d.f. of internal halo parameters R
θ modulus of θ R centre position of ith halo C
θ ij difference vector θi − θj C mean Cartesian halo shear profile C
θ ij modulus of θij R mean tangential halo shear profile R
2D Dirac delta function R mean tangential shear (GGL) R
γc(θ) Cartesian shear at θ C δγh(θ;αi) fluctuation of ith halo shear profile about C
γ(θ;ϕ) shear at θ rotated by ϕ C ng(θ) lens number density (on sky) R
γt(θ) tangential shear at θ relative to direction θ R mean lens number density (on sky) R
γ × (θ) cross shear at θ relative to direction θ R κg(θ) lens number density contrast (on sky) R
γh(θ;αi) halo shear profile of ith halo C ω(ϑ) 2pt-clustering of lenses (on sky) R
α i internal parameters of ith halo V Ω(ϑ1,ϑ2,ϑ3) 3pt-clustering of lenses (on sky) R

Notes. The flag denotes a real number for “R”, a complex number for “C”, or vector of numbers for “V”.

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