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Table 8

New planet-transit depth and relative radii to the parent star accounting for the blended objects in the Kepler images.

Planet ID Cat. Depth NewDepth Cat Rp/R New Rp/Ra Sec. Rp/Rb Cat. Rpc New Rpd
(KOI.Planet) (ppm) (ppm) (10-2) (10-2) (10-2) REarth REarth

298.01 274 472 ±  67 1.41 ±  0.04 2.2 ±  0.2 2.6 ±  0.3 1.40 2.16
379.01 292 422 ±  24 1.6 ±  0.1 2.1 ±  0.1 3.1 ±  0.2 2.58 3.38
379.02 136 196 ±  11 1.1 ±  0.1 1.40 ±  0.04 2.1 ±  0.1 1.83 2.31
387.01 1122 1137 ±  75 3.3 ±  0.3 3.4 ±  0.1 29.4 ±  73.4 2.18 2.23
401.01 2103 2363 ±  132 4.1 ±  0.2 4.9 ±  0.1 13.8 ±  3.1 6.57 7.82
401.02 1618 1818 ±  101 4.2 ±  0.2 4.3 ±  0.1 12.1 ±  2.7 6.67 6.85
433.01 2864 3048 ±  76 5.10 ±  0.04 5.5 ±  0.1 21.8 ±  4.2 5.60 6.06
433.02 13690 14570 ±  365 11.7 ±  0.1 12.1 ±  0.2 47.6 ±  9.3 12.90 13.27
592.01 539 561 ±  19 2.6 ±  0.1 2.37 ±  0.04 11.7 ±  4.9 2.74 2.48
626.01 374 378 ±  4 1.8 ±  0.1 1.94 ±  0.01 19.2 ±  8.7 2.09 2.30
628.01 476 504 ±  21 2.2 ±  0.2 2.24 ±  0.05 9.3 ±  3.4 1.87 1.90
641.01 1002 2225 ±  90 3.1 ±  1.3 4.7 ±  0.1 4.3 ±  0.1 1.83 2.82
644.01 23950 30367 ±  591 13.87 ±  0.03 17.4 ±  0.2 33.7 ±  1.2 33.16 41.67
645.01 201 239 ±  5 1.61 ±  0.05 1.55 ±  0.02 3.6 ±  0.2 2.53 2.44
645.02 257 305 ±  7 1.59 ±  0.03 1.75 ±  0.02 4.0 ±  0.2 2.51 2.75
658.01 505 517 ±  8 2.1 ±  0.1 2.27 ±  0.02 14.7 ±  5.0 2.03 2.18
658.02 484 496 ±  8 2.1 ±  0.1 2.23 ±  0.02 14.4 ±  4.9 2.02 2.13
658.03 166 170 ±  3 1.2 ±  0.1 1.30 ±  0.01 8.5 ±  2.9 1.14 1.25
703.01 130 131 ±  1 1.04 ±  0.05 1.142 ±  0.003 17.9 ±  12.1 1.36 1.50
721.01 276 284 ±  2 1.63 ±  0.03 1.685 ±  0.007 9.9 ±  1.4 2.76 2.86
841.01 2967 3071 ±  45 5.4 ±  0.1 5.54 ±  0.04 29.6 ±  6.3 5.44 5.56
841.02 4962 5136 ±  7 7.0 ±  0.2 7.2 ±  0.1 38.3 ±  8.1 7.05 7.19
1375.01 2608 2651 ±  99 5.3 ±  0.6 5.1 ±  0.1 40.0 ±  44.8 6.65 6.44

Notes. In this calculation, we have taken into account only the closest objects (<3 arcsec) to the KOI. KOI-0704.01 is not present owing to the large errors in its Δz value.


New planet-to-star radii ratio assuming no limb-darkening.


Planet-to-star radius assuming that the host is actually the secondary companion detected at less than 3 arcsec.


Planet radii calculated by the Kepler team (Batalha et al. 2012).


Planet radii assuming the new depth and no limb-darkening. No error is presented since no error in the stellar radii is given.

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