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Table 4

Observing information of the 41 non-isolated objects in our sample.

KOI RAa Deca Date Exptimeb Filter iComplete iDetectc
ID J2000.0 J2000.0 s mag mag

99 19:41:44.23 +44:31:52.0 05jul.11 60.0 i 16.34 19.94
131 19:56:23.42 +43:29:51.4 10jul.11 150.0 i 17.34 20.94
212 19:44:33.54 +41:36:11.5 09jul.11 240.0 i 17.65 21.25
232 19:24:26.86 +39:56:56.8 02jul.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
238 19:47:59.68 +42:46:55.2 05jul.11 200.0 i 17.65 21.25
298 19:21:58.61 +52:03:19.8 12jun.11 160.0 i 17.41 21.01
298 19:21:58.61 +52:03:19.8 12jun.11 200.0 z
326 19:06:37.44 +46:47:00.6 12jun.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
343 19:40:28.52 +48:28:52.7 12jun.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
372 19:56:29.40 +41:52:00.5 01jul.11 34.0 i 16.48 20.08
372 19:56:29.40 +41:52:00.5 01jul.11 40.0 z
375 19:24:48.28 +51:08:39.5 02jul.11 87.0 i 17.50 21.10
379 19:28:13.62 +37:46:34.3 25jul.11 140.0 i 17.65 21.25
379 19:28:13.62 +37:46:34.3 25jul.11 140.0 z
387 19:08:52.48 +38:51:45.0 02jul.11 90.0 i 17.53 21.13
387 19:08:52.48 +38:51:45.0 02jul.11 100.0 z
401 19:03:24.88 +38:23:02.8 05jul.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
401 19:03:24.88 +38:23:02.8 05jul.11 200.0 z
433 19:54:12.20 +48:19:57.0 07jul.11 200.0 i 17.65 21.25
433 19:54:12.20 +48:19:57.0 07jul.11 200.0 z
439 19:45:37.66 +51:21:29.5 11jun.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
465 19:35:42.83 +45:08:33.0 10jul.11 200.0 i 17.65 21.25
520 19:38:40.31 +43:51:11.9 08jul.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
548 19:18:00.18 +51:41:08.5 09jun.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
555 19:32:29.62 +40:56:05.3 10jun.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
592 19:37:51.02 +46:49:17.4 07jul.11 200.0 i 17.65 21.25
592 19:37:51.02 +46:49:17.4 08jul.11 200.0 z
611 19:53:10.57 +41:41:01.7 02jul.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
623 19:40:54.34 +50:33:32.4 05jul.11 30.0 i 16.34 19.94
626 19:40:46.42 +39:32:22.9 04jul.11 180.0 i 18.09 21.69
626 19:40:46.42 +39:32:22.9 04jul.11 180.0 z
628 19:14:47.69 +39:42:29.9 04jul.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
628 19:14:47.69 +39:42:29.9 04jul.11 160.0 z
638 19:42:14.26 +40:14:10.7 05jul.11 140.0 i 17.65 21.25
641 19:57:11.88 +40:14:06.4 01jul.11 87.0 i 17.50 21.10
641 19:57:11.88 +40:14:06.4 01jul.11 87.0 z
644 19:19:52.03 +40:31:57.7 04jul.11 180.0 i 18.09 21.69
644 19:19:52.03 +40:31:57.7 04jul.11 180.0 z
645 19:40:52.18 +40:35:32.3 26jun.11 200.0 i 17.65 21.25
645 19:40:52.18 +40:35:32.3 26jun.11 200.0 z
658 19:48:21.60 +41:23:16.8 01jul.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
658 19:48:21.60 +41:23:16.8 01jul.11 200.0 z
685 19:41:54.17 +43:29:35.2 11jun.11 200.0 z
685 19:41:54.17 +43:29:35.2 11jun.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
703 19:39:38.88 +45:34:00.1 11jun.11 60.0 i 16.89 20.49
703 19:39:38.88 +45:34:00.1 11jun.11 200.0 z
704 18:57:32.69 +45:43:10.9 05jul.11 150.0 i 17.65 21.25
721 19:48:16.42 +46:50:03.5 26jun.11 140.0 i 17.65 21.25
721 19:48:16.42 +46:50:03.5 26jun.11 140.0 z
841 19:28:56.82 +41:05:09.2 11jun.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
841 19:28:56.82 +41:05:09.2 11jun.11 200.0 z
881 19:39:38.34 +42:56:07.1 11jun.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
1032 19:27:54.61 +37:31:57.4 06jul.11 150.0 i 18.09 21.69
1192 19:24:07.70 +38:42:14.0 06jul.11 200.0 i 17.65 21.25
1375 19:13:16.90 +42:15:41.0 06jul.11 150.0 i 17.34 20.94
1375 19:13:16.90 +42:15:41.0 06jul.11 150.0 z
1527 19:46:41.12 +43:29:54.2 07jul.11 200.0 i 17.41 21.01
1573 19:47:23.06 +40:08:19.0 08jul.11 200.0 i 18.40 22.00
1574 19:51:40.07 +46:57:54.4 06jul.11 200.0 i 17.65 21.25



Right ascension and Declination from Borucki et al. (2011).


Effective exposure time of the image. As the selection rate was of 10% for all the images, one must multiply this column by 10 to obtain the real exposure time.


Estimated completeness and detectability magnitudes scaled to the ones found for the globular cluster M15 (see Sect. 2.3.6) by the exposure time of each particular image.

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