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Table 1

Source positions and sizes.

RA Dec Δθ from Source
Source 12h05m −07°42′ SE-1.3 mm size Refs.
(J2000) (J2000) continuum (FWHM)

SE galaxy:
SE 1.3 mm continuum 23.129s ± 0.002s 32.74″ ± 0.03″ 0.0 0.52″ ± 0.06″ 1
Chandra X-ray catalog 23.130s ± 0.02s 32.74″ ± 0.3″ 0.0″ 2
CO(2–1) SE (nw subpeak) 23.122s ± 0.003s 32.71″ ± 0.05″ 0.1″  ≤0.25″ 3
CO(2–1) SE (se subpeak) 23.134s ± 0.003s 32.92″ ± 0.05″ 0.1″  ≤0.25″ 3
CO(5–4) SE centroid 23.130s ± 0.002s 32.94″ ± 0.06″ 0.2″ 0.5″ ± 0.1″ 1
1.4 GHz nonthermal SE source 23.1167s ± 0.04s 33.109″ ± 0.3″ 0.42″ 0.30″ × 0.17″, 130° 4
NW galaxy:
NW 1.3 mm continuum 22.978s ± 0.002s 29.79″ ± 0.03″ 3.7″ 0.26″ ± 0.04″ 1
CO(2–1) NW 22.975s ± 0.003s 29.85″ ± 0.05″ 3.7″  ≥ 0.5″ 3
CO(5–4) NW centroid 22.971s ± 0.004s 29.67″ ± 0.06″ 3.8″ 0.7″ ± 0.1″ 1
1.4 GHz nonthermal NW source 22.977s ± 0.04s 29.750″ ± 0.3″ 3.7″ 0.29″ × 0.17″, 115° 4

Notes. Position refs.: (1) This paper: our positions and sizes are from uv-fits to circular Gaussian models, and our absolute astrometric accuracy is 0.1″; (2) Evans et al. (2010); (3) Carilli et al. (2002); (4) Momjian et al. (2005).

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