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Table 4

Nebular line intensities of the compact H ii region LMC N191A and SMC N77A.

λ (Å) Iden. F(λ) I(λ) Accuracy F(λ) I(λ) Accuracy

3727, 29 [O ii] 279.8 344.0 A 189.8 229.4 A
3797 H10 2.7 3.3 B 3.9 4.6 B
3835 H9 3.6 4.3 B 5.6 6.6 B
3869 [Ne iii] 2.1 2.5 C 12.7 14.9 A
3889, 90 He i + H8 9.9 11.7 A 13.6 15.9 A
3968, 70 [Ne iii] + Hϵ 9.7 11.3 A 14.5 16.7 A
4071 [S ii] 1.2 1.4 D
4101 Hδ 39.1 44.3 A 19.0 21.3 A
4144 He i 1.3 1.5 D
4340 Hγ 34.6 37.5 A 40.3 43.4 A
4363 [O iii] 4.8 5.1 B
4471 He i 4.3 4.5 C
4861 Hβ 100.0 100.0 A 100 100 A
4959 [O iii] 49.7 49.1 A 104.6 103.4 A
5007 [O iii] 147.4 144.6 A 300.2 295.0 A
5577 [O i] 20.2 18.6 A 45.2 41.9 A
5876 He i 10.5 9.4 B 11.1 10.0 B
6300 [O i] 9.8 8.5 C 73.8 64.5 A
6312 [S iii] 1.2 1.0 C 2.0 1.7 C
6363 [O i] 3.1 2.7 D 23.4 20.4 A
6548 [N ii] 13.2 11.2 C 10.1 8.7 C
6563 Hα 340.0 286.0 A 335.7 286 A
6584 [N ii] 37.9 32.0 B 11.6 9.9 B
6678 He i 2.7 2.3 B 3.2 2.7 B
6716 [S ii] 17.2 14.4 B 15.8 13.4 B
6731 [S ii] 15.9 13.3 B 11.6 9.9 B
7065 He i 2.4 2.0 C 2.8 2.3 C
7135 [Ar iii] 8.7 7.1 B 9.2 7.6 B
7236 [Ar iv] 1.9 1.5 D 14.2 11.7 B
7323 [O ii] 12.9 10.3 C 22.0 18.0 C
7751 [Ar iii] 3.9 3.0 C 16.2 12.9 B

c(Hβ) = 0.24 0.22



F(λ) and I(λ) represent observed and de-reddened line intensities relative to Hβ.


The capital letters represent the following uncertainties: A < 10%, B = 10–20%, C = 20–30%, and D > 30%.

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