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Table 2

Integrated quantities for observations in OTF mode.

Galaxy Map size σ1−0 σ2−1 M
″ ×  ″ mK mK K km s-1 K km s-1 M pc-2 108 M
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

NGC 4189 96 ×  75 7 10 3.73 ±  0.34 3.43 ±  0.78 0.94 11.95 ±  1.1 17.4 ±  1.3
NGC 4298 120 ×  60 11 14 19 ±  0.66 6.04 ±  2.4 0.76 23.32 ±  2.1 10.4 ±  0.8
NGC 4299* 104 ×  104 19 42 1.28 ±  0.28 1.2 ±  0.7 .. 4.1 ±  2.6 1.1 ±  0.2
NGC 4388 117 ×  42 13 39 8.93 ±  0.75 10.8 ±  2.6 0.9 28.55 ±  2.4 7.13 ±  0.6

Notes. Column 1: name; Col. 2: map size; Cols. 3, 4: measured uncertainties in 10.4 km s-1 channels for a 225 beam; Cols. 5, 6: average value of the integrated intensity; Col. 7: average 12CO(2–1)/12CO(1–0) intensity ratio; Col. 8: average surface mass density of H2 using 12CO(1–0) and the Galactic XCO; Col. 9: total H2 mass.


For this galaxy, because of the low S/N the results shown were obtained integrating inside an aperture of R = 35′′ (see Sect. 3.2 for details).

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