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Table 1

Radio, soft X-ray and optical emission line properties for HEG and BLO objects of the sample.

Name Redshift Classif. Radio properties SoftX properties Opt. lines properties Host PA
FR/spec Size PA Ref. ObsId. Exp. Off angle morph. Size PA morph. Size PA Ref.
(″) (°) (ks) (′) (″) (°) (″) (°) (°)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

3C 020 0.174 2/HEG 51 101 3 9294 8 0.3 non det 130
3C 033 0.0596 2/HEG 270 19.2 4 6910 20 1.8 ext 6.9 51 ext 65 3 148a
3C 061.1 0.184 2/HEG 186 2 3 9297 8 0.5 unres 165
3C 063 0.175 HEG 22 34 1 12722 8 0.3 ext 11.8 55 ext(unres) 74 3 79
3C 079 0.2559 2/HEG 86 105 3 12723 8 0.3 unres ext 146 3 71
3C 093.1 0.2430 HEG 0.3 165 1 12725 8 0.3 unres part.res. 65 1 132
3C 098 0.0304 2/HEG 314 21 2 10234 30 0.5 ext 13 21 ext 148 3 55b
3C 105 0.089 2/HEG 9299 8 3.0 unres
3C 133 0.2775 2/HEG 12 107 3 9300 8 0.3 unres 87
3C 135 0.1253 2/HEG 130 70 1 9301 8 0.3 unres ext(part.res.) 3.71 54 1 141
3C 136.1 0.064 2/HEG 522 108 1 9326 10 0.3 unres part.res. 0.53 175 1 117b
3C 171 0.2384 2/HEG 30 99 1 10303 60 0.2 ext 17 97 ext 3.44 85 1 66
3C 180 0.22 2/HEG 3 12728 8 0.3 poss.ext 3.0 50 ext 26 3 28
3C 192 0.0598 2/HEG 192 124 1 9270 10 0.3 unres non det(ext) 161 3
3C 223 0.1368 2/HEG 300 164 1 12731 8 0.2 unres ext 2.1 128 1 93
3C 223.1 0.107 2/HEG 117 15 3 9308 8 0.3 unres 40
3C 234 0.1848 2/HEG 110 64 1 12732 8 0.3 poss.ext 5.0 64 ext 2.37 79 1 80
3C 277.3 0.0857 2/HEG 29 158 1 11391 25 0.3 blobby part.res. 147 3 170b
3C 284 0.2394 2/HEG 176 101 1 12735 8 0.3 unres ext(unr) 2.9 74 1 151
3C 285 0.0794 2/HEG 82.8 4 6911 40 1.0 unres ext 81 3 129a
3C 300 0.27 2/HEG 96 130 3 9311 8 0.3 unres ext 126,90 3 89
3C 303.1 0.267 2/HEG 1.9 130 1 9312 8 0.3 unres ext 1.56 140 1 169
3C 305 0.0416 2/HEG 14 44 1 9330 8 0.3 ext 7.3 54 ext 6.37 46 1 76b
3C 321 0.096 2/HEG 309 131 1 3138 50 0.8 complex ext 6.21 108 1
3C 327 0.1041 2/HEG 169 100 3 6841 40 1.7 unres ext 22 3 135
3C 379.1 0.256 2/HEG 76 161 1 12739 8 0.3 poss.ext 2.1 40 ext 0.72 43 1
3C 381 0.1605 2/HEG 69 4 1 9317 8 0.3 unres ext 5.69 150 1 156
3C 403 0.0590 2/HEG 230 79 2 2968 50 0.5 ext 6.6 34 23 3 39b
3C 433 0.1016 HEG 58 172 1 7881 40 0.5 ext 6.5,10.3 138,49 part.res. 5.87 135 1 145a
3C 436 0.2145 2/HEG 105 172 1 9318 8 0.3 unres part.res. 1 3
3C 452 0.0811 2/HEG 277 79 1 2195 80 2.2 ext 6.9 48 part.res. 1.58 125 1 101b
3C 456 0.2330 2/HEG 10 20 3 12746 8 0.3 ext 6.1 20 107
3C 458 0.2890 HEG 161 75 1 12747 8 0.3 non det part.res.(ext) 75 1

3C 017 0.2198 2/BLO 30 147 1 9292 8 0.3 unres part.res. 41 1 42
3C 018 0.188 2/BLO 9293 8 0.3 unres
3C 033.1 0.1809 2/BLO 216 45 3 9295 8 0.3 unres ext 53 3 63
3C 111 0.0485 2/BLO 220 62 1 9279 10 0.3 unres non det 1 22b
3C 184.1 0.1182 2/BLO 167 157 1 9305 8 0.3 unres part.res. 2.64 24 1 40
3C 197.1 0.1301 2/BLO 14 2 3 9360 8 0.3 unres unres 2
3C 219 0.1744 2/BLO 184 40 1 827 20 0.6 unres unres 1 145
3C 227 0.0861 2/BLO 246 86 1 6842 30 1.7 unres ext(unr) 35,119 3 165b
3C 273 0.1583 BLO 4879 40 1.1 unres ext(no bg) 1
3C 287.1 0.2159 2/BLO 112 91 3 9309 8 0.3 unres 142
3C 303 0.141 2/BLO 38 97 3 1623 15 0.6 unres 0a
3C 323.1 0.264 2/BLO 9314 8 0.3 unres ext(no bg) 1
3C 332 0.1517 2/BLO 81 20 1 9315 8 0.3 unres unres 1 54
3C 382 0.0578 2/BLO 179 50 1 4910 55 0.1 unres part.res.(ext) 2.14 112 1 85b
3C 390.3 0.0561 2/BLO 231 145 1 830 35 2.3 unres part.res. 0 62 1 82b
3C 410 0.2485 BLO 13 129 3 12742 8 0.3 unres 10
3C 445 0.0562 2/BLO 576 171 1 7869 50 3.7 ext 14 44 ext(non det) 37 3 80b
3C 459 0.2199 2/BLO 8 94 3 12734 8 0.2 ext 102 160

Notes. Column description: (Col. 1) 3CR name; (Col. 2) redshift from Spinrad et al. (1985); (Col. 3) morphological FR type from Buttiglione et al. (2009) and spectroscopic classification into High Excitation Galaxy (HEG) or Broad Line Object (BLO) from Buttiglione et al. (2009). Except for 3C 433 and 3C 458, all the unclassified objects could be considered FR II according to their morphology and 178 MHz luminosities. (Col. 4) Angular size of the radio emission in arcsec; (Col. 5) position angle of the radio source, generally measured from hot spot to hot spot. (Col. 6) References for the radio properties: 1.) Privon et al. (2008), 2.) Martel et al. (1999), 3.) de Koff et al. (1996), 4.) Saripalli & Subrahmanyan (2009); (Col. 7) Chandra observation identification number; (Col. 8) approved exposure time for the observation in ks. (Col. 9) off-axis angle coordinate in arcmin. (Col. 10) morphology of the soft (0.5–2 keV) X-ray emission: extended (ext), possibly extended (poss. ext), unresolved (unres), non detected (non det). X-ray jets have been seen in 3C 15: Kataoka et al. (2003), 3C 31: Hardcastle et al. (2002), 3C 66B: Hardcastle et al. (2001), 3C 78: Massaro et al. (2008) 3C 264: Perlman et al. (2010), 3C 270: Worrall et al. (2010), 3C 273: Sambruna et al. (2001b), 3C 296: Hardcastle et al. (2005b), 3C 346: Dulwich et al. (2009), 3C 371: Pesce et al. (2001), 3C 465: Hardcastle et al. (2005a). (Col. 11) Angular size of the soft X-ray emission in arcsec; (Col. 12) Position angle of the more extended direction in the X-ray image; (Col. 13) Morphology of the optical emission line region as Col. 9; (Col. 14) Angular size of the emission line region in arcsec; (Col. 15) Position angle of the more extended direction in the optical line images; (Col. 16) references for the optical line region properties: 1.) Privon et al. (2008), 2.) Tremblay et al. (2009), 3.) McCarthy et al. (1995), 4.) Baum et al. (1988), 5.) Martel et al. (2004), 6.) Edwards et al. (2009), 7.) Sarzi et al. (2006), 8.) Hes et al. (1996), 9.) Prieto & Zhao (1997), 10.) Hippelein et al. (1996), 11.) Morganti et al. (1992), 12.) Husemann et al. (2008); (Col. 17) host galaxy major axis position angle from de Koff et al. (1996),

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