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Table 3

Estimated survey parameters.

lst (°) led (°) bst (°) bed (°) decst (°) deced (°) ϵ surv ϵ Dewey Duty  cycle

Molonglo 2 –85.0 20.0 0.62 0.4 0.03
Green Bank 2 –18.0 90.0 0.32 0.7 0.03
Green Bank 3 15.0 230 –15 15 0.41 0.75 0.03
Parkes2 –90.0 0.00 0.90 0.75 0.03
Arecibo 2 40 66 –10 10 9.50 25.0 0.54 1.0 0.05
Arecibo 3 38 66 –8.1 8.2 5.00 26.5 0.66 0.7 0.05
Parkes 1 –92 20 –4 4 0.41 0.6 0.03
Jodrell Bank 2 –5 105 –1.3 1.3 0.50 0.8 0.03
Parkes MB –105 52 –6.03 6.35 0.98 0.9 0.05
Swinburne –100 50 4.5 30 0.87 1.0 0.05

Notes. Respectively from the left to the right column are indicated: longitude start and end, latitude start and end, declination start and end, new survey efficiency, Dewey scaling factor, and pulsar duty cycle, defined as the pulse width over the period and used in the computation of the intrinsic pulse width W (Eq. (53)).

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