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Table 2

Primary constants used for the compilation of the DE405/DE406 (Standish 1998) and the INPOP10a long-term numerical ephemerides.

Constant Description DE405/406 Values INPOP10a Values

AU (km) astronomical unit 149 597 870.691 1 149   597   870.6910
GM (km3 s-2) Heliocentric gravitational constant 1   327   124   40017.987 1 1   327   124   40055
GME (m3 s-2) Geocentric gravitational constant 1 3.986004414 × 1014
EMRAT Ratio of the mass of the Earth to the Moon 81.30056 2 81.3005700
M/MMe Ratio of the mass of the Sun to Mercury 6   023   600. 2 6   023   600.
M/MVe Ratio of the mass of the Sun to Venus 408   523.71 2 408   523.719
M/ME Ratio of the mass of the Sun to the Earth 332   946.050895
M/MMa Ratio of the mass of the Sun to Mars 3   098   708. 2 3   098   703.59
M/MJ Ratio of the mass of the Sun to Jupiter 1047.3486 2 1047.348644
M/MSa Ratio of the mass of the Sun to Saturn 3497.888 2 3497.9018
M/MU Ratio of the mass of the Sun to Uranus 22   902.98 2 22   902.98
M/MN Ratio of the mass of the Sun to Neptune 19   142.24 2 19   412.26
M/MP Ratio of the mass of the Sun to (134340) Pluto 135   200   000. 2 136   566   000.
MCeres/M Ratio of the mass of (1) Ceres to the Sun 4.7 × 10-10 1 4.75836 × 10-10
MPallas/M Ratio of the mass of (2) Pallas to the Sun 1.0 × 10-10 1 1.11394 × 10-10
MVesta/M Ratio of the mass of (4) Vesta to the Sun 1.3 × 10-10 1 1.33137 × 10-10

References.  .

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