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Table 4

Number counts at 500 μm.

Flux Normalized counts (dN/dS × S2.5)
mJy Jy1.5 sr-1
All 0 < z < 0.5 0.5 < z < 1 1 < z < 2 z > 2

Stacking (GOODS-N)
2.1 3465  ±  864 368  ±  178 1262  ±  394 836  ±  217 998  ±  716
3.0 5216  ±  783 493  ±  244 1966  ±  500 1220  ±  351 1535  ±  424
4.2 7244  ±  1089 726  ±  360 2823  ±  631 1592  ±  529 2102  ±  615

Stacking (COSMOS)
6.0 12 170  ±  1764 750  ±  263 2381  ±  562 4444  ±  817 4594  ±  1435
8.4 11 446  ±  1716 596  ±  322 2107  ±  783 4481  ±  872 4260  ±  1210
11.9 9917  ±  2089 465  ±  380 1586  ±  1000 3976  ±  1363 3888  ±  1167
16.8 7540  ±  2665 358  ±  443 1055  ±  1192 3003  ±  1817 3122  ±  1478

Resolved (COSMOS)
23.8 6298  ±  675 602  ±  220 1023  ±  278 2258  ±  343 2413  ±  460
33.6 4548  ±  656 248  ±  138 483  ±  191 1493  ±  329 2322  ±  516
47.4 1143  ±  343 130  ±  117 549  ±  238 463  ±  218
67.0 343  ±  251 182  ±  185 160  ±  169
94.6 202  ±  230 100  ±  162 101  ±  163

Current usage metrics show cumulative count of Article Views (full-text article views including HTML views, PDF and ePub downloads, according to the available data) and Abstracts Views on Vision4Press platform.

Data correspond to usage on the plateform after 2015. The current usage metrics is available 48-96 hours after online publication and is updated daily on week days.

Initial download of the metrics may take a while.