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Table 6

Peak-to-peak amplitudes of the variations of the six Mars orbital elements for a 1000 y time interval starting from JD 2009.81.

asteroid Δa Δe × aMars Δi ΔΩ Δϖ Δλ
m m  × 10-6   ′′  × 10-6   ′′  × 10-6   ′′  × 10-6   ′′

1 Ceres 415.976 1300.018 6764.552 409910.423 101767.790 197860.644
2 Pallas 212.853 2025.012 4517.624 110490.432 21951.167 143118.437
3 Juno 38.999 166.213 381.803 8282.676 1641.266 24833.521
4 Vesta 546.665 4665.960 5665.561 98770.967 50554.943 623437.866
6 Hebe 144.013 607.501 606.177 2122.292 6015.502 40524.178
7 Iris 67.551 589.408 77.461 11921.764 1707.940 3249.652
8 Flora 28.615 351.759 264.020 1527.953 1472.282 23161.386
9 Metis 68.308 608.089 96.367 10037.872 5999.291 6453.236
10 Hygiea 53.587 547.873 225.513 13260.778 5733.690 6918.631
11 Parthenope 8.210 65.473 76.711 197.072 688.702 2268.556
13 Egeria 14.479 57.479 77.631 15907.661 1666.410 6619.356
14 Irene 14.634 79.531 122.264 5390.858 1888.597 11809.004
15 Eunomia 41.963 416.526 593.602 16346.103 1348.323 48827.323
16 Psyche 10.560 135.172 101.183 2213.723 824.135 6357.709
17 Thetis 2.740 23.640 20.280 38.826 173.695 1944.757
18 Melpomene 6.828 57.461 138.647 1381.789 195.621 497.143
19 Fortuna 48.578 308.680 30.604 3799.559 1832.499 46311.253
20 Massalia 80.479 238.095 9.043 2019.272 2971.102 47763.291
21 Lutetia 6.698 48.954 10.871 207.539 516.701 7525.555
22 Kalliope 2.682 36.025 21.367 3708.021 401.749 1934.839
24 Themis 14.250 50.778 1.832 527.693 1237.710 16186.184
28 Bellona 16.140 74.403 214.068 1144.324 2820.137 7919.977
29 Amphitrite 17.267 165.764 224.757 2016.979 2826.971 12679.011
31 Euphrosyne 13.346 56.216 54.024 3639.611 482.373 6169.238
45 Eugenia 8.092 107.311 202.524 1652.153 1867.647 2507.753
46 Hestia 20.516 229.351 112.954 5941.046 1115.982 11354.487
47 Aglaja 0.743 4.292 10.767 84.131 29.633 59.064
48 Doris 4.005 28.678 58.280 2075.386 802.772 969.684
49 Pales 1.635 27.457 5.568 440.772 120.879 210.067
52 Europa 9.826 68.303 131.673 607.090 1828.279 13298.494
65 Cybele 3.061 33.727 37.098 520.461 303.235 2904.304
87 Sylvia 1.974 7.763 16.837 2297.924 229.907 419.793
88 Thisbe 7.671 48.380 54.682 3342.237 256.270 6600.855
90 Antiope 0.866 4.080 0.385 4.311 34.948 628.948
107 Camilla 3.072 6.013 58.238 1078.727 503.130 278.376
111 Ate 218.942 1425.543 1683.832 53568.836 33425.288 328096.755
121 Hermione 1.001 11.230 4.441 587.147 95.005 1318.865
130 Elektra 4.738 23.884 110.486 393.899 589.786 3224.094
165 Loreley 12.197 52.039 256.157 5936.699 937.680 901.986
189 Phthia 0.132 0.395 0.255 21.056 7.059 152.358
243 Ida 0.108 0.116 0.049 3.560 3.224 28.511
253 Mathilde 0.193 0.395 1.320 42.175 12.877 224.965
283 Emma 0.486 4.920 9.306 230.447 22.563 56.147

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