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Table 2

Coefficients of Fourier and Poisson series for the effects of Ceres on aMars.

Period Period SIN COS T SIN T COS Amplitud Asteroid
(Day) (Year) (m) (m) (m)  ×10-4 (m)  ×10-4 (m)  ×10-3 (m)  ×101 (m)

27960.94 76.55 2.644 2.158 3.413 0.291 –3.054 0.432 0.563 1_ Ceres
16191.36 44.33 –54.282 –53.165 75.981 67.182 62.329 8.815 5.757 1_ Ceres
4886.42 13.38 –1.227 9.966 10.042 2.164 –13.844 1.958 0.691 1_ Ceres
3754.72 10.28 15.277 57.810 59.794 –9.105 –0.557 0.079 5.954 1_ Ceres
3047.01 8.34 –16.680 –0.495 16.687 7.171 0.221 0.031 1.542 1_ Ceres
1877.01 5.14 24.877 16.008 29.582 –20.336 –10.365 1.466 2.495 1_ Ceres
1251.31 3.43 8.691 –0.233 8.694 –10.205 0.628 0.089 0.671 1_ Ceres
1161.51 3.18 6.924 –12.634 14.407 6.635 2.299 0.325 1.484 1_ Ceres
887.06 2.43 3.562 –39.634 39.793 14.293 19.194 2.714 3.622 1_ Ceres
717.51 1.96 –5.645 –11.862 13.136 9.587 5.867 0.830 1.149 1_ Ceres
687.06 1.88 –3.017 –0.612 3.078 1.168 –1.459 0.206 0.304 1_ Ceres
602.38 1.65 –4.163 –2.346 4.779 6.308 0.588 0.083 0.316 1_ Ceres
580.76 1.59 –43.229 24.966 49.921 –13.036 –34.487 4.877 4.935 1_ Ceres
502.95 1.38 –11.922 15.858 19.840 –7.375 –15.356 2.172 1.844 1_ Ceres
443.53 1.21 –0.836 8.157 8.199 –5.500 –8.805 1.245 0.669 1_ Ceres
408.23 1.12 11.695 –37.093 38.893 –56.454 184.861 26.143 1.956 1_ Ceres
396.66 1.09 1.263 2.717 2.996 –3.399 –2.282 0.323 0.215 1_ Ceres
387.17 1.06 19.798 0.132 19.798 –3.570 24.294 3.436 2.008 1_ Ceres
350.98 0.96 9.686 –4.009 10.483 –0.729 12.473 1.764 0.962 1_ Ceres
320.97 0.88 3.050 –3.512 4.652 0.594 5.911 0.836 0.402 1_ Ceres
314.71 0.86 4.284 2.959 5.207 –5.783 3.139 0.444 0.473 1_ Ceres
290.37 0.79 –7.373 –1.951 7.626 5.054 –12.518 1.770 0.819 1_ Ceres
272.16 0.75 13.490 11.265 17.575 –66.768 –54.343 7.685 0.852 1_ Ceres

AMPLITUDE Before = 409.294276 After = 57.641405

Notes. Bias: 0.137559 × 10 + 2; linear: –0.377681 × 10-2; T2: 0.333290 × 10-5. The next-to-last column indicates the peak-to-peak amplitude of the total mixed component for the 1000 y time interval considered.

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