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Fig. 2


Snapshots of the development of a slow magnetoacoustic pulse excited at the apex of a magnetic arcade for β = 0.3. The x-component of velocity, parallel to the equilibrium magnetic field, is shown at times t = 15 s (top left panel), t = 37.5 s, (top right panel) before the reflection from the footpoint, and at t = 45 s, (bottom left panel) and t = 75 s (bottom right panel) after the reflection. The pulse is excited by a localised increase in the plasma temperature given by Eq. (6), where Ta = 0.1T0 and w = 0.1. The spatial coordinates are measured in units of L, which is the half width of the arcade. The panels show half of the computational domain, from the apex x = 0 to the footpoint x = L.

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