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Fig. 11


Evolution of a standing slow magnetoacoustic wave at an arcade. First panel: contour plots of the parallel velocity along the magnetic field at the time t = 0. Second panel: contour plots of the parallel velocity at the time t = 1.75P, where P is the period of the oscillation. Third panel: transverse structure of the parallel velocity perturbation at x/L =  −0.75L (blue dotted line in second panel) at t = 1.75P (red solid line) and x/L = 0.75L (red line in second panel) at t = 0.75P (blue dotted line). Fourth panel: transverse structure of the plasma density perturbation at the apex of the arcade (black solid line in the second panel) at t = 2.0P. Fifth bottom panel: transverse structure of the current density perturbation at the apex of the arcade (black solid line in the second panel) at t = 2.0P. The parameters of the pulse are A0 = 0.15VA, w = 0.1   L and z0 = 0.

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