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Table 2

Transiting planetary systems with undetected misalignment and eccentricity with  ≥ 2 × 10-8 for ϵ ≤ 25°.

Name Teff (K) V mag Refs. ΔH

CoRoT-11 6440 ± 120 12.8 Ga10  −48.05
HAT-P-6 6570 ± 80 10.4 No08  −1.04
HAT-P-9 6350 ± 150 12.3 Sh09  −1.17
OGLE-TR-56 6119 ± 62 16.6 To08  −0.67
OGLE-TR-L9 6933 ± 60 13.97I Sn09  −38.59
WASP-19 5500 ± 100 12.3 He11  −2.59

Notes. The value of ΔH is given in seconds per year and is computed for is = 90° and ϵ = 25°.

References. Ga10: Gandolfi et al. (2010); He11: Hellier et al. (2011); La09: Latham et al. (2009); No08: Noyes et al. (2008); Sh09: Shporer et al. (2009); Sn09: Snellen et al. (2009); To08: Torres et al. (2008); Ki10: Kipping et al. (2010).

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