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Table 1

Name, equatorial coordinates α and δ (J2000), effective temperature Teff, surface gravity log g and metallicity [Fe/H] of our Galactic sample stars.

Name α (J2000) δ (J2000) T eff log g [Fe/H] P orbit E(B − V)tot LIR/L d Prog. ID
(h m s) ) (K) (cgs) (days) (%) (kpc)

1 EP Lyr 19 18 17.5  + 27 50 38 7000 2.0 –1.5 0.52  ±  0.01 3  ±  0 4.1  ±  0.8 3274
2 HD 131356 14 57 00.7 −68 50 23 6000 1.0 –0.5 1490 0.20  ±  0.01 50  ±  2 3.0  ±  0.6 3274
3 HD 213985 22 35 27.5 −17 15 27 8250 1.5 –1.0 259 0.27  ±  0.01 24  ±  1 3.1  ±  0.6 3274
4 HD 52961 07 03 39.6  + 10 46 13 6000 0.5 –4.8 1310 0.06  ±  0.01 12  ±  1 2.1  ±  0.4 3274
5 IRAS 05208−2035 05 22 59.4 −20 32 53 4000 0.5 0.0 236 0.00  ±  0.00 38  ±  2 3.9  ±  0.8 3274
6 IRAS 06034 + 1354 06 06 12.3  + 13 53 09 6000 1.5 –2.0 0.97  ±  0.02 48  ±  3 3.4  ±  0.7 50092
7 IRAS 06072 + 0953 06 09 57.4  + 09 52 35 5500 1.0 –2.0 0.20  ±  0.01 54  ±  3 5.9  ±  1.2 50092
8 IRAS 06338 + 5333 06 37 52.4  + 53 31 02 6250 1.0 –1.5 0.16  ±  0.02 3  ±  0 3.9  ±  0.8 50092
9 IRAS 09060−2807 09 08 10.1 −28 19 10 6500 1.5 –0.5 371 0.57  ±  0.02 63  ±  3 5.4  ±  1.1 3274
10 IRAS 09144−4933 09 16 09.1 −49 46 06 5750 0.5 –0.5 1770 1.99  ±  0.05 53  ±  5 2.7  ±  0.6 3274
11 IRAS 09538−7622 09 53 58.5 −76 36 53 5500 1.0 –0.5 0.35  ±  0.02 64  ±  5 7.8  ±  1.6 50092
12 IRAS 10174−5704 10 19 18.1 −57 19 36 G8IaO 323 3274
13 IRAS 11000−6153 11 02 04.3 −62 09 43 7600 2.0 0.1 0.63  ±  0.01 42  ±  2 1.9  ±  0.4 50092
14 IRAS 13258−8103* 13 31 07.1 −81 18 30 F4Ib-G0Ib 50092
15 IRAS 15556−5444 15 59 32.1 −54 53 18 F8 50092
16 IRAS 16230−3410 16 26 20.3 −34 17 12 6250 1.0 –0.5 0.56  ±  0.02 60  ±  3 6.1  ±  1.2 3274
17 IRAS 17038−4815 17 07 36.3 −48 19 08 4750 0.5 –1.5 1381 0.22  ±  0.02 69  ±  5 4.5  ±  1.0 3274
18 IRAS 17233−4330* 17 26 57.7 −43 33 13 6250 1.5 –1.0 0.53  ±  0.02 548  ±  32 9.2  ±  2.0 50092
19 IRAS 17243−4348 17 27 56.1 −43 50 48 6250 0.5 0.0 484 0.59  ±  0.02 68  ±  4 3.8  ±  0.8 3274
20 IRAS 17530−3348 17 56 18.5 −33 48 47 5000 0.0 0.0 0.38  ±  0.02 57  ±  4 2.6  ±  0.5 50092
21 IRAS 18123 + 0511 18 14 49.4  + 05 12 55 5000 0.5 0.0 0.24  ±  0.02 89  ±  6 4.9  ±  1.0 50092
22 IRAS 18158−3445 18 19 13.6 −34 44 32 6500 1.5 0.0 0.78  ±  0.03 13  ±  9 10  ±  2.3 50092
23 IRAS 19125 + 0343 19 15 00.8  + 03 48 41 7750 1.0 –0.5 517 1.08  ±  0.02 52  ±  3 1.8  ±  0.4 3274
24 IRAS 19157−0247 19 18 22.5 −02 42 09 7750 1.0 0.0 120.5 0.68  ±  0.01 63  ±  2 4.2  ±  0.9 3274
25 IRAS 20056 + 1834* 20 07 54.8  + 18 42 57 5850 0.7 –0.4 0.51  ±  0.02 905  ±  42 10.9  ±  2.3 3274
26 RU Cen 12 09 23.7 −45 25 35 6000 1.5 –2.0 1489 0.55  ±  0.01 13  ±  1 2.3  ±  0.5 3274
27 SAO 173329 07 16 08.3 −23 27 02 7000 1.5 –0.8 115.9 0.39  ±  0.01 36  ±  1 6.5  ±  1.3 3274
28 ST Pup 06 48 56.4 −37 16 33 5750 0.5 –1.5 410 0.00  ±  0.00 55  ±  1 5.7  ±  1.2 3274
29 SU Gem* 06 14 00.8  + 27 42 12 5750 1.125 –0.7 0.58  ±  0.02 111  ±  7 4.8  ±  1.0 3274
30 SX Cen 12 21 12.6 −49 12 41 6000 1.0 –1.0 600 0.32  ±  0.02 34  ±  2 3.8  ±  0.7 3274
31 TW Cam 04 20 48.1  + 57 26 26 4800 0.0 –0.5 0.40  ±  0.02 42  ±  3 3.2  ±  0.6 3274
32 UY Ara* 17 29 28.9 −59 54 02 5500 0.5 –1.0 0.00  ±  0.00 72  ±  3 12  ±  2.5 50092
33 UY CMa* 06 18 16.4 −17 02 35 5500 1.0 0.0 0.00  ±  0.00 89  ±  3 9.6  ±  2.0 3274

Notes. For the model parameters we refer to De Ruyter et al. (2006). Also given is the orbital period (see references in De Ruyter et al. 2006; Gielen et al. 2007; Van Winckel et al. 2009). The total reddening E(B − V)tot, the energy ratio LIR/L and the calculated distance, assuming a luminosity of L = 5000 ± 2000   L. Stars marked with * are seen in reflection only, resulting in unreliable E(B − V)tot values and luminosity ratios, and upper limits for the distances. The last column lists whether the spectra are part of the SAGE-Spec catalogue, Spitzer programme 3274 or 50092.

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