Fig. 8
Left: as a function of surface gravity, the top panel shows the value of the primary fixed point, μ1, for the linear plus square root parametrization, for spherical atmospheres of varying effective temperature. The bottom panel shows the dependence of the normalized V-band intensity of the fixed point. Red fiilled circles are Teff = 3000 K, green open squares 4000 K, blue open circles 5000 K, magenta downward pointing triangles 6000 K and pale blue upward pointing triangles are 7000 K. The black crosses show the behavior of the fixed point from the grid of plane-parallel model atmospheres for comparison. Right: as a function of effective temperature, the top panel shows the fixed point, μ1, and the bottom panel shows the dependence of the V-band intensity of the fixed point. Red triangles represents models with log g = 0, green squares log g = 1, and blue circles are log g = 2. Again, black crosses represent the fixed point from plane-parallel model atmospheres.
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