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Fig. 8


The spectral energy distribution of 3C 279 on February 23, 2006. The red symbols show the optical (filled circles), RXTE (bow-tie) Böttcher (2009) and MAGIC deabsorbed data (triangles) used to fit the two model curves: blue line assuming EC inside the BLR and red line EC outside the BLR. Also MAGIC observed data is shown (cyan). For comparison also historical data are shown: 1991 high state (gray: Hartman et al. 1996), 1993 low state (green: Maraschi et al. 1993) 1996 high state (orange, blue bow-tie: Ballo et al. 2002; Wehrle et al. 1998) and 2003 low state (magenta: Collmar et al. 2004). The dashed lines correspond to blackbody radiation from the IR torus (red) and BLR (blue).

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