Fig. 10
The observed spectral energy distribution of January 2007 modeled with the lepto-hadronic model. The overall fit is shown with red line with the following components at high energies: the synchrotron radiation of pair creation electrons and positrons cascaded down from the optically thick regime (magenta dotted line), synchrotron radiation from positrons from the pion decay (green dashed line), synchrotron radiation from electrons from the pion decay (blue dashed line), inverse Compton scattering (cyan dot dashed line) and proton synchrotron emission (black double dashed line). The VHE γ-ray emission is mostly sum of the three first components while in X-rays the main contribution comes from the inverse Compton scattering (like in the purely leptonic models). The low energy bump is produced by the electron synchrotron radiation.
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