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Table 1

Line parameters for the observed transitions of HCN and H13CN.

Level ΔJ ν E up Δv
ν1 ν2 ν3 (MHz) (K) (km s-1) (K km s-1)

010 l 19–19 84919.2 1834 7.3(13) 0.066(9)
010 l 20–20 93813.8 1919 7.9(16) 0.12(2)
010 l 21–21 103144.3 2009 12.4(15) 0.12(1)
000 0 1–0 88631.6 4 ..... 427.3(10)b
100 0 1–0 88006.6 4769 11.4(20) 0.13(2)
001 0 1–0 88027.2 3021 12.3(10) 0.21(2)
020 0 1–0 89087.7 2035 14.1(3) 2.20(02)
040 0 1–0 89569.4 4037 10.3(20) 0.065(9)
021 0 1–0 88468.1 6011 8.3(10) 0.049(7)
120 0 1–0 88488.7 6744 11.3(15) 0.032(7)
200 0 1–0 87363.6 9384 6.0(15) 0.027(6)
000 0 3–2 265886.4 26 ...... 972.0(10)b
010 –1 3–2 265852.7 1048 17.9(5) 75.10(20)
010 +1 3–2 267199.3 1048 19.2(8) 68.80(20)
020 0 3–2 267243.2 2056 14.0(15) 9.5(20)c
020 –2 3–2 267109.1 2078 16.5(8) 3.82(40)
020 +2 3–2 267120.1 2078 13.4(8) 3.61(40)
030 –1 3–2 266539.9 3064 9.7(10) 2.72(20)
030 +1 3–2 269312.8 3064 12.1(10) 1.66(10)
001 0 3–2 264073.3 3042 14.5(5) 4.68(15)
040 0 3–2 268663.3 4059 9.3(2) 1.16(5)
040 –2 3–2 268545.8 4081 11.6(8) 0.96(5)
040 +2 3–2 268580.5 4081 12.7(15) 1.28(15)e
011 –1 3–2 264019.8 4060 14.3(20) 0.69(15)
011 +1 3–2 265364.4 4060 10.2(8) 0.86(4)
100 0 3–2 264011.6 4790 9.1(15) 1.1(2)d,e
050 –1 3–2 267264.0 5052 5.4(4) 0.47(4)
050 +1 3–2 271550.8 5053 7.4(2) 0.73(3)
021 0 3–2 265384.3 5064 8.6(10) 0.38(3)
021 –2 3–2 265252.9 5086 9.5(7) 0.36(2)
021 +2 3–2 265264.0 5086 7.8(7) 0.37(2)
110 –1 3–2 264005.0 5782 8.0(20) 0.59(9)d,e
110 +1 3–2 265373.0 5782 6.3(5) 0.27(4)
002 0 3–2 262249.6 6030 9.9(20) 0.35(9)e
060 0 3–2 270159.9 6032 8.0(10) 0.20(2)
060 –2 3–2 270071.7 6055 9.5(8) 0.27(2)
060 +2 3–2 270144.7 6055 8.0(8) 0.25(2)
031 –1 3–2 264663.4 6068 7.5(9) 0.44(7)e
031 +1 3–2 267423.4 6068 7.0(6) 0.30(2)e
120 0 3–2 265445.9 6765 6.1(10) 0.14(4)
120 –2 3–2 265310.2 6787 8.6(8) 0.18(3)
120 +2 3–2 265321.7 6787 7.3(8) 0.18(3)
070 –1 3–2 268034.2 7012 7.5(9) 0.15(2)
012 –1 3–2 262174.4 7042 4.8(7) 0.10(2)
012 +1 3–2 263518.1 7042 ..... 0.14(5)f
041 –2 3–2 266638.8 7080 6.5(10) 0.13(2)
041 +2 3–2 266673.8 7080 6.5(10) 0.13(2)
130 –1 3–2 264755.6 7743 8.2(10) 0.18(4)
130 +1 3–2 267579.7 7744 6.2(7) 0.23(3)
080 0 3–2 271748.4 7977 6.1(10) 0.20(5)
080 –2 3–2 271704.0 7999 6.2(9) 0.16(4)
080 +2 3–2 271832.0 7999 5.8(10) 0.11(3)
022 0 3–2 263514.5 8042 6.0(20) 0.12(5)f,g
022 –2 3–2 263386.7 8063 5.0(12) 0.09(2)
022 –2 3–2 263398.2 8063 7.0(12) 0.17(3)
051 –1 3–2 265347.8 8048 7.7(10) 0.10(2)
003 0 3–2 260415.7 8987 5.0(15) 0.06(3)
032 –1 3–2 262777.4 9039 4.6(10) 0.08(2)
032 +1 3–2 265521.1 9039 6.6(6) 0.13(2)
121 +2 3–2 263505.9 9774 4.5(10) 0.04(1)
121 0 3–2 263632.1 9753 4.1(10) 0.03(1)
013 –1 3–2 260319.3 9996 5.1(7) 0.13(4)
131 –1 3–2 262910.9 10727 7.0(20) 0.07(3)

000 0 1–0 86339.9 4 ..... 190.2(3)
020 0 1–0 86747.7 2018 12.0(20) 0.09(2)
000 0 3–2 259011.8 25 ..... 429.6(9)b
010 –1 3–2 258936.1 1039 17.4(8) 3.74(9)
010 +1 3–2 260224.8 1039 18.9(5) 6.45(10)
020 –2 3–2 260094.0 2060 10.0(30) 0.18(1)e
020 +2 3–2 260104.2 2060 10.0(30) 0.18(1)e
030 –1 3–2 259508.1 3039 7.8(15) 0.12(2)

Notes. Number in parentheses are 1σ uncertainties in units of the last digits. a) The notation n1ν1 + n2ν2 + n3ν3 is adopted for the labeling of the vibrational levels (121 +2 means ν1 + 2ν2 + ν3 =  + 2). b) Line is self-absorbed in the blue part of the profile. c) Blended with 29SiS J = 15–14 (see text). d) Velocity fixed to  − 26.5 km s-1. e) Blended with another line. f) Contaminated by Si34S v = 1 J = 15–14. Intensity has been estimated by removing the expected contribution of this molecule (0.35 K km s-1). g) Blended with HCN 012  =  + 1.

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