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Table 1

Overview of the used PAH species, PAH:H2O concentrations, sample temperatures, the integration intervalsa, and corresponding oscillator strengthsb.

Species Conc. TSample (K) λrange (nm) f

Ant 1:2,000 25 316–385 0.1c
Ant 1:1,500 25
Ant 1:900 25
Ant 1:500 125
Py 1:5,000 25 290–345 0.33d
Py 1:6,500 125
BghiP 1:2,000 25 320–389 0.27e
BghiP 1:1,000 125
Cor 1:5,000 25 276–311 1.04f
Cor 1:4,000 125



The wavelength intervals are those used for integrating the strongest neutral PAH absorption band systems.


The oscillator strengths are listed for the strongest neutral absorption bands and are taken from the literature:

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