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Table 2

Radial velocity measures, errors, and bisectors.

BJD RV σ RV Bisector
(days) ( km s-1) ( km s-1) ( km s-1)

24 555 157.72444 7.8797 0.1237 –0.3163
24 555 235.65345 5.7109 0.1164 0.3223
24 555 237.64047 7.2927 0.1159 0.1372
24 555 239.67027 7.3209 0.0866 –0.3827
24 555 244.58565 5.8620 0.1081 –0.0784
24 555 245.57587 7.7376 0.0982 –0.0693
24 555 246.60996 6.7125 0.1636 0.1157
24 555 247.65632 5.5354 0.1734 –0.3999
(days) ( m s-1) ( m s-1)

24 555 170.9552 –69.0 66.5
24 555 221.8744 –983.6 50.4
24 555 222.8182 1288.0 50.4
24 555 223.9457 226.3 44.0
24 555 224.0403 766.7 72.2
24 555 224.8502 –757.0 41.7

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