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Table 25

Reserved spectral coordinate type codes1

Code Type Symbol Assoc. variable Default units

FREQ Frequency ν ν Hz
ENER Energy E ν J
WAVN Wavenumber κ ν m-1
VRAD Radio velocity2 V ν m s-1
WAVE Vacuum wavelength λ λ m
VOPT Optical velocity2 Z λ m s-1
ZOPT Redshift z λ ...
AWAV Air wavelength λ a λ a m
VELO Apparent radial velocity v v m s-1
BETA Beta factor (v / c) β v ...



Characters 1 through 4 of the value of the keyword CTYPEia.


By convention, the “radio” velocity is given by c(ν0 − ν) / ν0 and the “optical” velocity is given by c(λ − λ0) / λ0.

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