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Fig. 1


Swift/XRT PC mode images (0.3–10 keV) of the region around Sgr A. The images indicate the locations of the five X-ray transients that were in outburst in 2008–2009, as well as three additional transients that were detected with Swift in 2006 (CXOGC J174540.0–290005, Swift J174553.7–290347 and Swift J174622.1–290634). (Left) Merged X-ray image of the data obtained in 2008 and 2009. (Right) A magnified image of the inner region around Sgr A from the epoch between 2008 September 2 and 2009 November 1, during which AX J1745.6–2901 resided in quiescence and activity from CXOGC J174535.5–290124 could be detected. CXOGC J174538.0–290022 was also detected in outburst during that time.

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