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Table 1

Model dust mass-loss rate of comet C/2007 D1 (LINEAR).

mda Cd [m2]b Md [kg]c v(r) [m s-1]d τ [s]e [kg s-1]f

18.71 8.79  ×  109 3.71  ×  108 50 3.74  ×  105 9.93  ×  102
466§ 4.00  ×  104 9.26  ×  103



Coma magnitude in the projected annulus between φ = 0.5″ and φ′ = 3.3″.


Derived dust cross-section.


Derived dust mass in the coma annulus.


Dust grains radial outflow speed in the coma annulus;

realistic case,


upper limit case (gas outflow velocity).


Crossing time of the (projected) coma annulus.


Derived dust mass-loss rate.

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