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Table 1:

Physical properties of NGC 6611 and M 16 obtained in GPM07, GDM08, and GMP10.

Distance 1750 parsec
Median age of NGC 6611 ${\sim}1$ Myr
Age range of stars in M 16 ${\sim}3{-}0.3$ Myr
Average DF* in NGC 6611 $36\% \pm 1 \%$
Average DF* far away from OB stars $42\% \pm 3 \%$
Average DF* close to OB stars $28\% \pm 3 \%$
Average AV in NGC 6611 2.6m
RV 3.3
Core relaxation time 5.2 Myr

Notes. (*) DF stands for Disk Frequency.

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