Table 1:

Summary of HIFI observations of comet C/2008 Q3 (Garradd) and retrieved water production rates.

Obs. ID
UT start date $\Delta$ $r_{\rm h}$ Band Obs. mode $\nu_{ij}$ Integration Intensity Velocity shift $Q_{\rm H_2O}{}$
  [mm/dd.ddd] [AU] [AU]     [GHz] [s] [K km s-1] [m s-1] [ $10^{28}~{\rm s}^{-1}$]
1342180461 07/20.908 1.865 1.831 1a FSw 557 2181 $1.594 \pm 0.009$ $+56~\pm~$ 3 $2.73 \pm 0.01$
1342180462 07/20.933 1.865 1.831 1a PSw 557 381 $1.717 \pm 0.023$ $+55~\pm~$ 10 $2.81 \pm 0.03$
1342180463 07/20.936 1.865 1.831 1a OTF 557 2725        
1342180557 07/22.338 1.901 1.836 4b FSw 1113 2802 $1.206 \pm 0.022$ $+24~\pm~$ 13 $1.82 \pm 0.03$
1342180813 07/27.726 2.037 1.850 6b FSw 1669 3018 $1.597 \pm 0.104$ $+283~\pm~$ 28 $2.12 \pm 0.30$
1342180815 07/27.782 2.039 1.850 4b FSw 1113 2802 $0.994 \pm 0.023$ $+42~\pm~$ 15 $1.70 \pm 0.03$

Notes. The observations were conducted using standard frequency switching (FSw), position switching (PSw) and on-the-fly spectral maps (OTF) observing modes. The error bars in line intensity, velocity shift and production rate are the statistical errors.

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