Table 1:

Properties of the brightest compact W43 sources.

S70 S160 S250 S350 S500 T(K)a $L / {[{10^4~L_{\odot}}]}$b $M/{[{10^3~M_{\odot}}]}$c
MM1 128 1943 1000 340 136 25 3.0 2.6-4.0
MM2 154 1400 700 246 164 23 1.5 3.5-5.3
MM3 277 1255 (400) 153 89 27 2.0 1.5-2.3
MM4 670 1148 205 131 53 28 2.0 0.9-1.3

Notes. (a) Temperatures are determined from single grey body fits assuming an emissivity $\beta = 2$, and excluding the 70 $\mu $m data points. (b) Fluxes are in Jy. Luminosities only include flux from 60 $\mu $m to 600 $\mu $m and are based on fluxes within a Hi-GAL resolution element. (c) Masses estimated from $\lambda$ = 500 $\mu $m in a 37 $^{\prime\prime}$ beam, assuming OH94 opacities at t = 105 years, n = 106 cm-3 for thin ice mantles (first number) and un-evolved MRN dust with no mantles (second number).

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