Table 1:

Summary of the PACS targeted lines and the CO lines observed with the SMA (Raman et al. 2006; Panic et al. 2008).

Transition $\lambda_{\rm c}$ Continuum Line Flux
    ($\mu $m) (Jy) (10-18 W/m2)

$\rm ^3P_1 \rightarrow \ ^3P_2$ 63.18 18.89 (0.13) 71.7 (3.8)


$\rm ^3P_0 \rightarrow \ ^3P_1$ 145.53 13.76 (0.03) <10.4


$\rm ^2P_{3/2} \rightarrow \ ^2P_{1/2}$ 157.74 14.48 (0.03) <6.4
o-H2O 2 $_{12} \rightarrow 1_{01}$ 179.53 13.12 (0.05) <8.8
o-H2O 4 $_{23} \rightarrow 3_{12}$ 78.74 17.82 (0.32) <10.6
CO 36 $\rightarrow$ 35 72.84 17.92 (0.04) <15.5
CO 29 $\rightarrow$ 28 90.16 17.00 (0.05) <10.6

2 $\rightarrow$ 1 1300.40 0.169 (0.005) 0.093 (0.004)
13CO 2 $\rightarrow$ 1 1360.22 0.169 (0.005) 0.048 (0.004)

Notes. We list the central wavelength, continuum and line flux or upper limits (three sigma) in the case of a non-detection. Between brackets we give the one sigma statistical error for the detections.

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