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Table 1:

Properties of ULXs in C-COSMOS.

RA Dec Countsb log $L_{\rm X}$c Pos. errord Offset Offset Offsete Off-axisf
  (J2000)[*] (0.5-7 keV) (erg s-1) (arcsec) (arcsec) (kpc)   (arcmin)
1151 10:00:10.39 02:09:23.40 28 $\rm 40.4^{40.5}_{40.1}$ 0.5 1.67 2.91 3.42 2.8
1388 10:01:08.46 02:01:06.05 17 $\rm 40.8^{40.9}_{40.4}$ 0.6 3.62 12.12 5.73 2.6
1870 10:01:03.76 02:30:50.22 9 $\rm 39.9^{40.2}_{39.3}$ 0.4 3.12 4.66 7.25 2.6
2418 10:00:08.43 02:14:47.65 6 $\rm 40.6^{40.8}_{40.1}$ 0.3 1.58 6.76 4.53 1.3
3441 09:59:33.78 01:49:06.92 5 $\rm 40.2^{40.5}_{39.8}$ 0.5 0.95 2.26 1.87 3.7
11 100 10:00:58.65 02:11:39.90 12 $\rm 40.1^{40.3}_{39.9}$ 0.4 0.92 1.85 2.37 3.4
11 938 10:00:43.02 02:00:32.74 7 $\rm 40.5^{40.7}_{40.2}$ 0.8 1.39 4.79 1.77 4.4

Notes. (a) ID of the Chandra source (Elvis et al. 2009).(b) X-ray counts in the [0.5-7] keV band. (c) Logarithm of the [0.5-7] keV X-ray luminosity. (d) X-ray positional error. (e) Ratio of the distance between the X-ray centroid and the optical centroid over the radius of the Chandra positional error circle. (f) Off-axis angle value in the image where the source is closer to the on-axis position.

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