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Table 1:

GCS radial distribution parameters.
Galaxy $\Sigma_0$ $r_{\rm c}$ $\gamma$ $r_{\max}$ R
NGC 1400 14.1 0.7 0.88 2.3 2.8
NGC 1407 17.8 1.02 0.85 2.34 7.3
NGC 3258 16.9 3.1 2.4 2.51 7.94
NGC 3268 24.4 2.6 1.9 2.51 7.94
NGC 4374 58.4 0.31 0.278 3.84 11.8
NGC 4406 26.76 3.52 1.19 5.36 24
NGC 4472 107 8.47 0 7 22
NGC 4636 77.66 0.823 0.691 4.75 6.6

Column 1: galaxy name; Cols. 2, 3 and 4: parameters of the modified core model fit for all the galaxies studied; Col. 5: superior limit of the integral giving the number of lost GCs ($r_{\max}$); Col. 6: superior limit of the integral performed to estimate the present number of GCs (R), where $\Sigma_0$ is in arcmin-2 and $r_{\rm c}$, $r_{\max}$and R are in arcmin.

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