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Table 7:

Cluster sizes and field contamination.
Name Background ( $\times 10^4$) $r_{\it FWHM}$ $r_{\rm cls}$ Field contamination (%)
  (star/px2) (px) (px) $r < r_{\it FWHM}$ $r_{\it FWHM} < r < r_{\rm cls}$
NGC 1697 66.0 $\pm$ 7.0 80 250 33 66
SL 133 23.0 $\pm$ 5.0 90 170 23 60
NGC 1997 11.0 $\pm$ 3.0 50 120 13 40
SL 663 36.0 $\pm$ 6.0 110 290 28 65
OHSC 28 4.0 $\pm$ 0.2 25 50 10 40

Source LaTeX | All tables | In the text

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