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Table 5:

Depth of the 2.0 $\mu $m absorption band due to water ice in Chariklo's spectrum taken at different periods.
Reference Date dH (AU) Depth
Brown et al. (1998) 27 Oct. 1997 13.799 $20 \pm 6$%
Brown & Koresko (1998) 07 Mar. 1998 13.725 $20 \pm 8$%
Dotto et al. (2003) 17 Apr. 2001 13.235 $17 \pm 4$%
Dotto et al. (2003) 10 Mar. 2002 13.154 $7 \pm 4$%
Guilbert et al. (2009) 20 Mar. 2007 13.277 $3 \pm 2$%
This work 03 Feb. 2008 13.395 $0 \pm 3$%

dH: heliocentric distance for the different observing runs.

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