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Table B.2:

Observed survey band X-ray luminosity scaling relations for the full REXCESS sample. Each set of observables (L,A) is fitted with a power law relation of the form $h(z)^n L = C(A/A_0)^{\alpha }$, with A0=5 keV and $2 \times 10^{14}~M_{\odot}$ keV, and n= -1, -9/5 and -7/3 for T, $Y_{\rm X}$ and M, respectively. Results are given for the BCES (Y|X) and BCES orthogonal fitting methods (see Sect. 2.4). The intrinsic natural logarithmic scatter about the best fitting relation in the ln-ln plane is given in each case.
Relation Fitting method
  BCES (Y|X) BCES orthogonal
  C (1044 erg s-1) $\alpha$ $\sigma_{\rm ln~L, intrinsic}$ C (1044 erg s-1) $\alpha$ $\sigma_{\rm ln~L, intrinsic}$
  R < R500
L [0.1-2.4]1-T1 $2.86\pm0.27$ $2.24\pm0.22$ $0.665\pm0.119$ $3.46\pm0.55$ $3.00\pm0.35$ $0.757\pm0.144$
L [0.5-2]1-T1 $1.77\pm0.17$ $2.24\pm0.22$ $0.666\pm0.119$ $2.14\pm0.34$ $3.01\pm0.35$ $0.758\pm0.144$
L [0.1-2.4]1-$Y_{\rm X}$ $2.52\pm0.18$ $0.84\pm0.05$ $0.411\pm0.070$ $2.60\pm0.20$ $0.90\pm0.06$ $0.412\pm0.071$
L [0.5-2]1-$Y_{\rm X}$ $1.56\pm0.11$ $0.84\pm0.06$ $0.413\pm0.07$ $1.61\pm0.12$ $0.90\pm0.06$ $0.414\pm0.071$
L [0.1-2.4]1-MY $1.03\pm0.08$ $1.53\pm0.10$ a... $0.98\pm0.07$ $1.71\pm0.12$ a...
L [0.1-2.4]1-MY MBb $0.83\pm0.07$ $1.62\pm0.11$ a... $0.78\pm0.07$ $1.83\pm0.14$ a...
L [0.5-2]1-MY $0.64\pm0.05$ $1.53\pm0.10$ a... $0.61\pm0.05$ $1.72\pm0.12$ a...
L [0.5-2]1-MY MBb $0.51\pm0.04$ $1.62\pm0.12$ a... $0.48\pm0.04$ $1.83\pm0.14$ a...
  0.15 < R < R500
L [0.1-2.4]2-T2 $1.85\pm0.09$ $2.32\pm0.13$ $0.278\pm0.056$ $1.95\pm0.12$ $2.52\pm0.16$ $0.293\pm0.062$
L [0.5-2]2-T2 $1.14\pm0.05$ $2.34\pm0.13$ $0.276\pm0.056$ $1.20\pm0.07$ $2.53\pm0.16$ $0.291\pm0.062$
L [0.1-2.4]2-$Y_{\rm X}$ $1.50\pm0.04$ $0.82\pm0.03$ $0.174\pm0.044$ $1.51\pm0.04$ $0.83\pm0.03$ $0.175\pm0.044$
L [0.5-2]2-$Y_{\rm X}$ $0.92\pm0.02$ $0.82\pm0.03$ $0.173\pm0.044$ $0.93\pm0.03$ $0.83\pm0.03$ $0.174\pm0.044$
L [0.1-2.4]1-MY $0.63\pm0.03$ $1.49\pm0.05$ a... $0.62\pm0.03$ $1.52\pm0.05$ a...
L [0.5-2]1-MY $0.39\pm0.02$ $1.49\pm0.05$ a... $0.38\pm0.02$ $1.53\pm0.05$ a...
L1/T1: luminosity/temperature interior to R500; L2/T2: luminosity/temperature in the [0.15-1] R500 aperture; MY: total mass estimated from the $M_{500}{-}Y_{\rm X}$ relation of Arnaud et al. (2007). a Since M is derived from $Y_{\rm X}$, the values of the scatter in the L-M relation are identical to those for the $L{-}Y_{\rm X}$ relation; b relations corrected for Malmquist bias.

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