Issue |
Volume 525, January 2011
Article Number | A49 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies) | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 November 2010 |
Conceptual problems in detecting the evolution of dark energy when using distance measurements
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of
Bartycka 18,
00 716
Context. Dark energy is now one of the most important and topical problems in cosmology. The first step to reveal its nature is to detect the evolution of dark energy or to prove beyond doubt that the cosmological constant is indeed constant. However, in the standard approach to cosmology, the Universe is described by the homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann models.
Aims. We aim to show that in the perturbed universe (even if perturbations vanish if averaged over sufficiently large scales) the distance-redshift relation is not the same as in the unperturbed universe. This has a serious consequence when studying the nature of dark energy and, as shown here, can impair the analysis and studies of dark energy.
Methods. The analysis is based on two methods: the linear lensing approximation and the non-linear Szekeres Swiss-Cheese model. The inhomogeneity scale is ~ 50 Mpc, and both models have the same density fluctuations along the line of sight.
Results. The comparison between linear and non-linear methods shows that non-linear corrections are not negligible. When inhomogeneities are present the distance changes by several percent. To show how this change influences the measurements of dark energy, ten future observations with 2% uncertainties are generated. It is shown the using the standard methods (i.e. under the assumption of homogeneity) the systematics due to inhomogeneities can distort our analysis, and may lead to a conclusion that dark energy evolves when in fact it is constant (or vice versa).
Conclusions. Therefore, if future observations are analysed only within the homogeneous framework then the impact of inhomogeneities (such as voids and superclusters) can be mistaken for evolving dark energy. Since the robust distinction between the evolution and non-evolution of dark energy is the first step to understanding the nature of dark energy a proper handling of inhomogeneities is essential.
Key words: cosmological parameters / cosmology: observations / cosmology: theory / dark energy / large-scale structure of Universe
© ESO, 2010
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