Issue |
Volume 491, Number 3, December I 2008
Page(s) | 693 - 701 | |
Section | Extragalactic astronomy | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 October 2008 |
On surface brightness fluctuations: probabilistic and statistical bases
I. Stellar population and theoretical surface brightness fluctuations
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC), Camino bajo de Huétor 50, Apdo. 3004, Granada 18080, Spain e-mail: [mcs;vale]
Instituto de Astronomía (UNAM), Apartado 70-264, México D.F., Mexico e-mail:
Aims. This work aims to provide a theoretical formulation of surface brightness fluctuations (SBF) in the framework of probabilistic population synthesis models that have no deterministic relations between the different stellar components of a population but only relations on average, and to distinguish between the different distributions involved in the definition of SBF.
Methods. By applying the probabilistic theory of stellar population synthesis models, we estimate the shape (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis) of the distribution of fluctuations across resolution elements, and examine the implications for SBF determination, definition and application.
Results. We distinguish between three definitions
of SBF: (i) stellar population
SBF, which can be computed from synthesis models and provide an
intrinsic metric for fit for stellar population studies; (ii)
theoretical SBF, which include the stellar population SBF plus a
term accounts for the distribution of the number
of stars per resolution element ; theoretical SBF that coincides
with the Tonry & Schneider (1998) definition in the special case
has a Poisson distribution. We find that the
Poisson contribution to theoretical SBF is around 0.1
stellar population SBF and is negligible;
(iii) observational SBF. We present
alternative ways to compute the SBF and extend the application of
stellar population SBF to defining a metric for fitting for standard
stellar population studies.
Conclusions. We demonstrate that SBF are observational evidence of a probabilistic paradigm in population synthesis, where integrated luminosities have an intrinsic distributed nature, and they rule out the commonly assumed deterministic paradigm of stellar population modeling.
Key words: galaxies: star clusters / galaxies: stellar content / methods: data analysis
© ESO, 2008
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