Issue |
Volume 488, Number 3, September IV 2008
Page(s) | 1079 - 1084 | |
Section | The Sun | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 July 2008 |
Solar atmospheric model over a highly polarized 17 GHz active region
CRAAM, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP 01302-907, Brazil e-mail:
DAS, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, SP 12201-970, Brazil
Aims. We construct a 3D solar atmospheric model to reproduce active region brightness temperature of radio observations.
Methods. A 3D solar atmospheric model was developed to reproduce the
radio observations at 17 and 34 GHz from the Nobeyama
Radioheliograph. The model included bremsstrahlung and gyro-resonance emission mechanisms. Both potential and force-free magnetic field extrapolations from MDI
magnetograms are considered, as well as the changes in the quiet Sun atmosphere (density and temperature distributions) due to the magnetic field interaction. We analyze a highly polarized active region at 17 GHz ( LHCP) observed 2002 June 25 (NOAA 10008).
Results. Modeling of this region requires that the whole projected region between the magnetic field footpoints changes its atmospheric density and temperature constitution. The modeling at 17 GHz
showed the following results: a) the intensity of the corrected MDI magnetograms is able to account for the emission as gyro-resonance, but, the problem with saturation points still persists; b) for a low number of saturation points, a simple linear correction can change the maximum brightness temperature results in the simulations completely;
c) the brightness temperature maxima resulting from the linear correction in the
magnetic field intensities reproduced all maxima observed during the day
(1.14–1.76 K); and d) the spatial brightness distribution of the gyro-resonance emission of NOAA 10008 was well-reproduced either by a potential or force-free field extrapolation with low positive α (0.70–
Mm-1). At 34 GHz, the emission was successfully modeled as completely free-free radiation with a brightness temperature maximum in agreement with the observations.
Conclusions. In summary the model is able to account for the observations at both frequencies, which are, however, produced by distinct emission mechanisms.
Key words: Sun: atmosphere / Sun: magnetic fields / Sun: radio radiation
© ESO, 2008
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