Issue |
Volume 488, Number 2, September III 2008
Page(s) | L13 - L16 | |
Section | Letters | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 July 2008 |
Letter to the Editor
The nature of the soft X-ray source in DG Tauri
Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112, 21029 Hamburg, Germany e-mail: [cschneider;jschmitt]
The classical T Tauri star DG Tau shows all typical signatures of X-ray activity and, in particular, harbors a resolved X-ray jet. DG Tau's jet is one of the most well studied jets of young stellar objects, having been observed for more than 25 years by a variety of instruments. We demonstrate that its soft and hard X-ray components are separated spatially by approximately 0.2 arcsec by deriving the spatial offset between both components from the event centroids of the soft and hard photons utilizing the intrinsic energy-resolution of the Chandra ACIS-S detector. We also demonstrate that this offset is physical and cannot be attributed to an instrumental origin or to low counting statistics. Furthermore, the location of the derived soft X-ray emission peak coincides with emission peaks observed for optical emission lines, suggesting that both soft X-rays and optical emission have the same physical origin.
Key words: stars: individual: DG Tauri / stars: winds, outflows / X-rays: stars / stars: pre-main sequence
© ESO, 2008
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