Issue |
Volume 487, Number 3, September I 2008
Page(s) | 1187 - 1193 | |
Section | Planets and planetary systems | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 July 2008 |
Asteroid 2867 Steins
III. Spitzer Space Telescope observations, size determination, and thermal properties
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, UMR6110 CNRS/Université de Provence, Technopôle de Marseille-Etoile, 38 rue Frédéric Joliot-Curie, 13388 Marseille Cedex 13, France e-mail:
LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, 92195 Meudon Principal Cedex, France
Université de Paris 7 Denis Diderot, France
Observatorio National de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via Frascati 33, 00040 Monteporzio Catone (Roma), Italy
Konkoly Observatory, PO Box 67, 1525, Hungary
Context. Asteroid 2867 Steins is the first target of the Rosetta space mission with a flyby scheduled in September 2008.
Aims. An early characterization is needed to optimize the flyby parameters and the science operations, and to maximize the scientific return.
Methods. We used the infrared spectrograph (IRS) of the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) to obtain 14 spectra ranging from 5.2 to 38.0 μm, and to sample the rotational period of the asteroid. The observations were performed on 22 November 2005, when the asteroid was 2.13 AU from the Sun, 1.60 AU from the SST, and at a phase angle of 27.2°. They were interpreted using a standard thermal model incorporating the thermal inertia.
Results. The solution for a spherical shape leads to an effective radius rn = 2.46 ± 0.20 km and a thermal inertia I = 150 ± 60 J K-1 m-2 s-1/2, for a beaming factor between 0.8 and 1.0. The geometric albedo is then constrained by visible photometry to pR = 0.31 ± 0.05 and pV = 0.27 ± 0.04 when using a linear phase function.
The phase law, which includes an opposition effect, leads to larger values of the albedo, pR(
) = 0.40 ± 0.07 and pV(
) = 0.34 ± 0.06.
The solution for our 3-dimensional shape model has overall dimensions of 5.73 ± 0.52
4.95 ± 0.45
4.58 ± 0.41 km.
Key words: minor planets, asteroids / techniques: image processing
© ESO, 2008
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