Issue |
Volume 485, Number 1, July I 2008
Page(s) | 257 - 265 | |
Section | Stellar atmospheres | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 28 April 2008 |
Abundance analysis of seven δ Scuti stars
Institut fur Astronomie, Universität Wien, Türkenschanzstraße 17, 1180 Wien, Austria e-mail: [fossati;reegen;weiss]
Instituut voor Sterrenkunde, Celestijnenlaan 200D, 3001 Leuven, Belgium e-mail:
Context. The current knowledge of the abundance pattern in δ Scuti stars is based on analysis of just a few field stars.
Aims. We aim to determine the general chemical properties of the atmospheres of δ Scuti stars based on a statistically relevant sample of stars and investigate whether the abundance pattern is close to solar, an assumption generally made for pulsation models.
Methods. We analysed high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of seven field δ Scuti stars. We derived the fundamental parameters and the photospheric abundances and than compared them to a similar sample of cluster δ Scuti stars.
Results. With the use of a t-test we demonstrate that there is no difference between the two samples, which allows us to merge them, resulting in a sample of fifteen δ Scuti stars. We do not find any substantial difference between the abundance pattern of our sample of δ Scuti stars and a sample of normal early A- and late F-type stars. One field star in our sample, HD 124953, is most likely a pulsating Am star.
Key words: stars: abundances / stars: atmospheres / delta Sct
© ESO, 2008
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