Issue |
Volume 474, Number 3, November II 2007
Page(s) | 969 - 973 | |
Section | Stellar structure and evolution | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 October 2007 |
The rotational broadening of V395 Carinae. Implications on the compact object's mass*
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, c/ via Lactea s/n, La Laguna, 38200 Tenerife, Spain e-mail:
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Hicks Building, Sheffield S3 7RH, UK e-mail:
Context.The masses previously obtained for the X-ray binary 2S 0921–630 inferred a compact object that was either a high-mass neutron star or low-mass black-hole, but used a previously published value for the rotational broadening (v sin i) with large uncertainties.
Aims.We aim to determine an accurate mass for the compact object through an improved measurement of the secondary star's projected equatorial rotational velocity.
Methods.We have used UVES echelle spectroscopy to determine the v sin i of the secondary star (V395 Car) in the low-mass X-ray binary 2S 0921–630 by comparison to an artificially broadened spectral-type template star. In addition, we have also measured v sin i from a single high signal-to-noise ratio absorption line profile calculated using the method of Least-Squares Deconvolution (LSD).
Results.We determine v sin i to lie between 31.3±0.5 km s-1 to 34.7±0.5 km s-1 (assuming zero and continuum limb darkening, respectively) in disagreement with
previous results based on intermediate resolution spectroscopy obtained with
the 3.6 m NTT. Using our revised v sin i value in combination with the secondary
star's radial velocity gives a binary mass ratio of 0.281±0.034.
Furthermore, assuming a binary inclination angle of 75° gives a compact
object mass of 1.37±0.13 .
Conclusions.We find that using relatively low-resolution spectroscopy can result in systemic uncertainties in the measured v sin i values obtained using standard methods. We suggest the use of LSD as a secondary, reliable check of the results as LSD allows one to directly discern the shape of the absorption line profile. In the light of the new v sin i measurement, we have revised down the compact object's mass, such that it is now compatible with a canonical neutron star mass.
Key words: stars: neutron / stars: individual: V395 Car (=2S 0921–630) / X-ray: binaries / stars: binaries: close
© ESO, 2007
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