Issue |
Volume 426, Number 3, November II 2004
Page(s) | 819 - 826 | |
Section | Galactic structure, stellar clusters, and populations | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 18 October 2004 |
New membership determination and proper motions of NGC 1817. Parametric and non-parametric approach *,**
Departament d'Astronomia i Meteorologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Avda. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain e-mail:
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS Shanghai 200030, PR China
Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, CB3 OHA Cambridge, UK
CER for Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology, associated with Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio-CSIC
Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA), Carretera de Ajalvir km 4, 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain
We have calculated proper motions and re-evaluated the membership probabilities of 810 stars in the area of two NGC objects, NGC 1817 and NGC 1807. We have obtained absolute proper motions from 25 plates in the reference system of the Tycho-2 Catalogue. The plates have a maximum epoch difference of 81 years; and they were taken with the double astrograph at Zô-Sè station of Shanghai Observatory, which has an aperture of 40 cm and a plate scale of 30´´ mm-1. The average proper motion precision is 1.55 mas yr-1. These proper motions are used to determine the membership probabilities of stars in the region, based on there being only one very extended physical cluster: NGC 1817. With that aim, we have applied and compared parametric and non-parametric approaches to cluster/field segregation. We have obtained a list of 169 probable member stars.
Key words: Galaxy: open clusters and associations: individual: NGC 1817 / Galaxy: open clusters and associations: individual: NGC 1807 / astrometry / methods: data analysis
© ESO, 2004
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