Issue |
Volume 425, Number 1, October I 2004
Page(s) | 361 - 365 | |
Section | Atomic, molecular, and nuclear data | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 September 2004 |
Stark broadening and transition probability ratios in the Mg I spectrum
Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, 11 001 Belgrade, PO Box 368, Serbia e-mail:
Stark widths (W) and shifts (d) of the six astrophysically important 285.212,
383.230, 383.829, 516.732, 517.268, and 518.360 nm neutral magnesium (Mg I)
spectral lines in the and
transitions have been measured in laboratory helium plasma at about 50 000 K electron temperature
and 1
1023 m-3 electron density. They represent the first measured
values and, also, the first experimental W and d data in the mentioned transitions.
Using the relative line intensity ratios of the lines in the mentioned transitions we have obtained the ratios of corresponding transition probability values (Einstein's A values). They represent the first experimental data based on the analysis of the Mg I emission spectral lines.
We have found agreement with theoretical transition probability ratios tabulated by NIST.
Key words: atomic data / line: profiles
© ESO, 2004
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