Issue |
Volume 424, Number 3, September IV 2004
Page(s) | 919 - 925 | |
Section | Stellar structure and evolution | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 06 September 2004 |
New grids of stellar models including tidal-evolution constants up to carbon burning*
I. From 0.8 to 125 M
at Z = 0.02
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC, Apartado 3004, 18080 Granada, Spain e-mail:
We present new stellar models based on updated physics
(opacities, expanded nuclear network and mass loss rates). We compute
stellar models suitable for the mean solar
neighborhood, i.e. for and
. The covered mass range is from 0.8 up to
and the models are followed until the exhaustion of
carbon in the core, for the more massive ones. In addition, the effective
temperatures of the more massive models are corrected for the effects of
stellar winds, while models with lower effective temperatures are computed using
a special treatment of the equation of state (CEFF). Convective core overshooting
is assumed to be moderate and is modelled with
Besides the classical ingredients of stellar models, we also provide the
internal structure constants needed to investigate apsidal motion and tidal evolution
in close binaries. The latter constants are made public for the
first time. According to the current theories of tidal evolution, the time
scales for synchronization and circularization for cool stars depend – apart from
the mass, radius and effective temperature – on the depth of the convective
envelope xbf and on the radius of gyration β. For stars with higher effective
temperatures, these dependencies are mainly incorporated in the tidal torque constant E2. All these parameters are steep functions of mass and time, and thus
require a special numerical treatment. The new mass loss formalism produces more mass
concentrated configurations than previously, especially for more massive and more
evolved stellar models. As the present grid is designed mainly for the study of
double-lined eclipsing binaries, the gravity-darkening exponents necessary to
calculate the surface brightness distribution in rotationally and/or tidally distorted
stars are computed following the method described recently by Claret ([CITE]), and
made available for each point of every evolutionary track.
Key words: stars: binaries: close / stars: evolution / stars: interiors / stars: fundamental parameters / stars: abundances / stars: rotation
© ESO, 2004
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