Issue |
Volume 406, Number 2, August I 2003
Page(s) | 613 - 621 | |
Section | Stellar structure and evolution | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 November 2003 |
Luminous binary supersoft X-ray sources: Optical colors and absolute magnitudes*
Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 251 65 Ondřejov, Czech Republic
Corresponding author:
An analysis of the color indices and absolute magnitudes of the “classical” supersoft X-ray binary sources (SSXBs), the
V Sge-type stars (VSs), the symbiotic SSXBs, and the classical novae in the
soft X-ray phase is presented. This approach can help comparing the
properties and configuration of the reprocessing medium in the individual
systems. The range of
of the individual objects is very large,
, most systems having
The objects with the orbital period
days tend to possess
with the increasing Porb. The same trend is
apparent also for
. There is no systematic difference between the
classical SSXBs and the VSs, as regards their
The soft X-ray phase of the novae V 1974 Cyg and V 382 Vel occurred at
significantly brighter
than those of most other SSXBs while
of the recurrent nova U Sco was comparable to the SSXBs of the
comparable Porb. We showed that the luminosity of the reprocessing
medium in the symbiotic SSXBs does not increase much with Porb, when
compared with the luminosity of the classical SSXBs and VSs; this speaks
against large disks in these symbiotics. The classical SSXBs and the VSs have
colors very similar each to other and form closed groups in the color-color
diagrams. A Balmer jump occurs frequently in emission as inferred from the
colors. The correlation between the bolometric luminosity, determined from
the X-ray spectra and
of all kinds of the SSXBs
is rather weak, but resolvable, and is more prominent for
. The
implications for the reprocessing medium are discussed.
Key words: stars: binaries: close / stars: binaries: general / stars: circumstellar matter / stars: novae, cataclysmic variables
© ESO, 2003
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