Issue |
Volume 401, Number 2, April II 2003
Page(s) | 593 - 597 | |
Section | Interstellar and circumstellar matter | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 March 2003 |
Possible geometries of afterglow generation in the gamma-ray burst GRB 990705
Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, PR China e-mail:;
Corresponding author: X. Y. Wang,
The absorption feature detected in the prompt X-ray
emission of GRB 990705 has important consequences for its
circum-burst environment and therefore on its afterglow. Here we
investigate whether the circum-burst environment constrained by
the absorption feature could be consistent with the observed
H-band afterglow, which exhibits an earlier power law decay
() but a much faster decay (
) about one day after the burst. Two
possible geometries of the afterglow-emitting regions are
suggested: 1) afterglow emission produced by the impact of the
fireball on the surrounding torus, which serves as the absorbing
material of the X-ray feature, as would be expected in the models
involving that a supernova explosion precedes the gamma-ray burst
by some time; 2) afterglow emission produced in the dense
circum-burst medium inside the torus. In case 1), the faster decay
at the later time is attributed to the disappearance of the shock
due to the counter-pressure in the hot torus illuminated by the
burst and afterglow photons. For case 2), the circum-burst medium
density is found to be very high (
) if the emitting plasma is a jet or even higher if it is
spherical. Future better observations of afterglows of GRBs that
have absorption features might make it possible to make a more
definite choice between these two scenarios.
Key words: gamma rays: bursts / line: formation / radiation mechanism: nonthermal
© ESO, 2003
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