Issue |
Volume 401, Number 1, April I 2003
Page(s) | 357 - 360 | |
Section | Stellar atmospheres | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 17 March 2003 |
uvby FCAPT photometry of the metallic-lined stars 60 Tau and HR 1528 and the magnetic CP stars HR 8216 and HR 8770*
Department of Physics, The Citadel, 171 Moultrie Street, Charleston, SC 29409, USA
Corresponding author:
Differential Strömgren uvby observations from the Four College Automated Photoelectric Telescope (FCAPT) are presented for the metallic-lined stars 60 Tau and HR 1528 and the magnetic Chemically Peculiar stars HR 8216 and HR 8770. The first star, which is a δ Scuti variable, was found not to change its mean magnitudes. HR 1528 is best described as constant. A decade of photometry of HR 8216 shows that its b and y values have changed by -0.016 and -0.010 mag, respectively, over this time and now can be considered a photometric variable. For HR 8770 a period of 5.3923 days is derived with the photometric variability being generally in phase. The light curves also suggest possible surface abundance inhomogeneities.
Key words: stars: chemically peculiar / stars: individual: 60 Tau / stars: individual: HR 1528 / stars: individual: HR 8216 / stars: individual: HR 8770
© ESO, 2003
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