Issue |
Volume 396, Number 2, December III 2002
Page(s) | 503 - 512 | |
Section | Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies) | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 December 2002 |
Spectroscopic study of blue compact galaxies *
II. Spectral analysis and correlations
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85741 Garching, Germany
Center for Astrophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, 230026, Hefei, PR China
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS, 98 bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France
Corresponding author: X. Kong,;
This is the second paper in a series studying the star formation rates, stellar components, metallicities, and star formation histories and evolution of a sample of blue compact galaxies. We analyzed spectral properties of 97 blue compact galaxies, obtained with the Beijing Astronomical Observatory (China) 2.16 m telescope, with spectral range 3580 Å–7400 Å. We classify the spectra according to their emission lines: 13 of the total 97 BCG sample are non-emission line galaxies (non-ELGs); 10 have AGN-like emission (AGNs), and 74 of them are star-forming galaxies (SFGs). Emission line fluxes and equivalent widths, continuum fluxes, the 4000 Å Balmer break index and equivalent widths of absorption lines are measured from the spectra. We investigate the emission line trends in the integrated spectra of the star-forming galaxies in our sample, and find that: 1) The equivalent widths of emission lines are correlated with the galaxy absolute blue magnitude MB; lower luminosity systems tend to have larger equivalent widths. 2) The equivalent width ratio 6583/ is anti-correlated with equivalent width ; a relationship is given that can be used to remove the contribution from blended +6548, 6583. 3) The , , and fluxes are correlated; those can be used as star formation tracers in the blue. 4) The metallicity indices show trends with galaxy absolute magnitude and attenuation by dust, faint, low-mass BCGs have lower metallicity and color excess.
Key words: galaxies: active / galaxies: Seyfert / galaxies: general / galaxies: stellar content
© ESO, 2002
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