Issue |
Volume 395, Number 2, November IV 2002
Page(s) | 515 - 518 | |
Section | Galactic structure, stellar clusters, and populations | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 November 2002 |
Research Note
On the lithium content of the globular cluster M 92
Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica – Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Via G. B. Tiepolo 11, 34131 Trieste, Italy
Corresponding author:
I use literature data and a new temperature calibration to determine the Li abundances in the globular cluster M 92. Based on the same data, Boesgaard et al. have claimed that there is a dispersion in Li abundances in excess of observational errors. This result has been brought as evidence for Li depletion in metal-poor dwarfs. In the present note I argue that there is no strong evidence for intrinsic dispersion in Li abundances, although a dispersion as large as 0.18 dex is possible. The mean Li abundance, A(Li) = 2.36, is in good agreement with recent results for field stars and TO stars in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 6397. The simplest interpretation is that this constant value represents the primordial Li abundance.
Key words: diffusion / stars: abundances / stars: atmospheres / stars: population II / Galaxy: globular clusters: individual: M 92 / cosmology: observations
© ESO, 2002
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